In the Assembly table it is possible to specify how different variants should be assembled on the Assembly-object. It is possible to specify multiple assembly tables.
It is the order in which parts arrive at the Assembly-object that determines what assembly that is performed. All assembly tables are kept as candiates until a part enters that invalidates one/some candidate(-s), i.e. a part allowed in at least one other candidate assembly table (but not in the one(-s) invalidated) enters. This is done until only one candidate assembly table remains and then the assembly starts as soon as that table is complete, i.e. all parts needed are present. In the case when the setting Container first of the Assembly-object is active the only differnece is that the first part to enter must be a container part in at least one of the assembly tables.
Note: Make sure that all variants needed for the assembly can reach the Assembly-object in the production flow.

Assembly identity
Assembly identity is what determines the identity of the assembled parts. Any of the assembled parts can be set as the assembly identity. The assembly identity will be used in the following cases:
- Flow belonging of the assembled parts, i.e. what route that will be used.
- To identify this assembly ...
- ... for selecting variant dependent process time.
- ... for selecting variant dependent setup time.
- ... in Demand logics.
- ... in Stores with capacity tables.
- ... in Batch logics.
- ... in Kanban logics.
- ... in Sinks to calculate statistics.
- To reference this assembly in a possibly following assembly station.
- It will be the assembly point in a possibly following assembly station. In other words, if this assembly is used as container, in a following assembly station, the parts will be put on the assembly identity part and not on the container part of the previous assembly.
In the example to the right 8 Tops will be assembled on a Truck and this assembly will be viewed as a Truck, i.e. Assembly identity checked for Truck.

Use units
If 'Use units' are checked in an assembly table the 'Units' setting of that Variant will be consumed during the assembly instead of the actual Variant.
Note: The 'Units' setting of a Variant is only an integer value. It means that no actual Variant can be assembled and therefore 'Delete' is enforced when 'Use units' is checked.
In the example to the right the variant PistonBox is used to represent a number of pistons. By checking 'Use units', 4 pistons are to be assembled on an Engine.

Area assembly
It is possible to let the area (length * width) of the container and the area of the individual parts determine how many parts that will be assembled. If area should be the limiting factor for a certain part the 'Amount' of that variant should be set to 0.
Note: Area assembly and standard 'Amount' assembly are separate, i.e. if both are used in an Assembly table the parts specified with an 'Amount' (other than 0) will not take up any space on the container.
Note: Parts will fit on the container as long as the combined area of the individual parts is 'less than' the area of the container, i.e. the parts on the container can end up having a bigger combined area than the container if they don't sum up exactly to the area of the container.
Note: Area assembly is not allowed in combination with 'Use units'.
In the example to the right as many Tops that will fit on the Truck will be assembled along with 10 additional Tires (not taking up any space).

Generic assembly
Using the 'wildcard' variant Any Variant in an assembly table is useful when a container should be filled with any kind of variants. Any Variant can be used with Area assemlby ('Amonut' = 0) or with a specific amount set.
Note: Any Variant can be combined with specific variants to force the presence of these variants and let the rest be any type of variant.
Note: In this case Any Variant actually means any variant except the one used as a container.
In the example to the right the Train should be filled with as many parts that will fit on the train (Area assemlby) no matter their type.
Dialog element |
Description |
Tables |
List of assembly tables, simply named as 1,2,3 and so on. The currently displayed one is highlighted. |
Button used to add a new assembly table to the Tables-list. |
Button used to delete the highlighted table in the Tables-list. |
Variants |
Variants that have been added to the model in the Variant panel are listed here and can be used in the assembly tables. A variant is selected by a simple click on it. |
Button used to add the selected variant to the current assembly table. |
Button used to remove highligthed rows in the current assembly table. |
Table |
Display of the currently selected assembly table in the Tables-list. In an assembly one part should be the container upon which the other parts are assembled, see the variant Engine in the example at the top of the page. In the Assembly table the first part added (the part on the first row) will automatically be the container. If the container is removed the entire Assembly table will be cleared. It is possible to assemble several parts of the same variant on the container. The desired amount of each part is set in the Amount-column of the Assembly table. A variant marked for deletion (see Delete-column in the example at the top of the page) will be required for the assembly but deleted instead of assembled on the container. |
Details |
A detailed description of Assembly identity. |